Wednesday, June 30, 2010

More Skills, Strategies, and Behaviors

List of skills and strategies from Still Learning to Read: Teaching Students in Grades 3-6.
by Franki Sibberson & Karen Szymusiak (subheadings mine).

  • Knowing yourself as a reader.
  • Choosing books to match individual needs.
  • Having conversations in a community of readers with an increasing level of sophistication about different types of texts and reading experiences.
  • Using skills and strategies to get through the hardest sections of a text.
  • Having the skills to get through a text that is not interesting.
  • Sustain interest and understanding throughout a challenging text.
  • Trusting that texts that aren't immediately engaging might have value.
  • Reading a variety of texts with a repertoire of tools for working through different text conventions, formats, and features.
  • Using strategies flexibly for different kinds of texts.
  • Understanding complex meaning.
  • Reflecting on thinking and monitoring strategies and behaviors.
  • Changing thinking while reading to revise predictions and clarify understanding.
  • Keeping track of characters.

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